
SEO Copywriting- The Secrets of Improving the Search Engine Ranking

The SEO copywriting is continuously evolving art that places the WebPages at or near, top of the search engine ranking. The webpage is searched and indexed by “spider” or “crawler” sent out by the search engine. They navigate through the hyperlinks of the internet in search of the webpage. It is important to present a streamlined and unique content that is easily accessed by the search engine. Title, heading and keywords in an article are very important features of SEO copywriting and crucial in boosting the search engine ranking of a webpage.The prime objective should be to write unique content because search engine like them. A unique and informative article informs, educates and explains properly. This is what “spider” looks for and gives it a higher ranking, compared to a less informative or duplicated content. Title is important in SEO copywriting, because it attracts the attention of the search engine. To achieve higher search engine ranking, it is necessary to include keyword in the title. Keyword acts like an address of the information that the search engine is looking for. A proper title that is relevant to the content matter enhances the visibility of the webpage on the internet and directs more traffic to it.Usually the search engine accesses the first third of the page. Placing sufficient keywords helps the engine to crawl up Android Phones to the page, easily. It is a good practice to place two keywords in the first paragraph and one in the title, to achieve higher search engine ranking. The remaining keywords should be evenly distributed in the body of web content. This arrangement allows smooth passage of the “spider” through the webpage. Keyword is a prominent feature of the SEO copywriting. There is a limitation on the number of times a keyword can be used in the article. Care should be taken to maintain a keyword density of 1.5% to 2% of the total body text. Overuse or mindless use of keywords should be avoided because after certain number of repetitions, the article loses the SEO value. Hence placing keyword in the article is an art.In SEO Copywriting heading tags are important part of the search engine optimization process. The keywords should be placed in the heading (H1) tags. Heading and the subheading Nail Brush should be in bold form, to allow them to be spotted and picked up by the search engine, as clues. It is important to see that the content of the page matches with the title, giving the webpage the better chance of being accessed easily. The relevance of the page or the article increases greatly when the keywords or terms of phrase queried in by the user, occur multiple times and show up in the title, headings or the subheadings. These all features greatly enhance search engine ranking of the article on the net and automatically direct more traffic to it.

